Noxious Weeds FAQ

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Can I buy chemicals at the county?

Yes, herbicides can be purchased at cost by land owner/tenant for control of noxious weeds only.  Call or visit Phillips Co Weed Dept. 785-543-6870.

Do I need a license to purchase restricted-use pesticides?

Yes.  Call or visit Phillips Co Weed Dept. 785-543-6870. Or Kansas Dept. of Agriculture online at Divisions & Programs for detailed information.

When should I spray musk thistle, and what product will work best?

Treatment in Spring and early Summer and again in Fall. Various herbicides are available. Call or visit Phillips Co Weed Dept. 785-543-6870.

General Information
Noxious Weeds Supervisor
Jim Thompson
1566 Hwy 183
South Building

Monday - Friday
7:00am - 3:30pm
coutrhouse image