Neighborhood Revitalization Plan (NRP)

Property Tax Rebate Program for Qualified Improvements

The Phillips County Neighborhood Revitalization Plan is a county-wide tax rebate incentive program aimed to stimulate economic growth through improvements in existing properties and new construction. Increase the assessed value of your property by at least $10,000 and qualify for a rebatable percentage of your property taxes over the next nine years. New building construction, property rehabilitation and additions to existing buildings within the legal boundaries of Phillips County are eligible to qualify and participate in the program.

What are the NRP qualification criteria?

To qualify for the program, you must:
  -  not have started construction until Part 1 of your NRP application has been approved by the Phillips County Commission.
  -  increase the assessed value of your property by a minimum of $10,000.
  -  comply with all building and zoning codes.
  -  not be delinquent with any taxes. Delinquency will disqualify the parcel from the program.
  -  adhere to the complete list of eligibility requirements as outlined in Section 7 of the Phillips County Neighborhood Revitalization Plan.

What is the application fee?

Estimated Increase in ValuationApplication Fee
$10,000 - $50,000 $50
$50,001 - $150,000$100
$150,001 - $300,000 $150
$300,001 - $500,000 $250
$500,001 - $1,000,000 $400
$1,000,001 - $5,000,000$600
$5,000,001 +$1000

How much of a rebate will I receive? 

Rebatable taxes are determined by the taxing districts that have opted into the program where the improved property is located. The rebate amount is figured using the initial increase in valuation and are at decreasing percentages for a nine year period.

Years of EligibilityPercentage of Property
Tax Increment Rebatable By Participating Taxing Districts
Year 190%
Year 280%
Year 370%
Year 460%
Year 550%
Year 640%
Year 730%
Year 820%
Year 910%
Year 10+0%

How do I apply to participate in the program?

Applications must be submitted, in person, at the Phillips County Appraiser's Office. Construction on your project must not commence until your NRP application has been approved.   

For more information about the program, contact the Phillips County Appraiser's Office (785) 543-6810 


Use the link below to view Phillips County's Revitalization Plan, and the application to qualify and Participate!

Application to Qualify & Participate Form (PDF)

General Information
Executive Director
Billie Knowles
Phone Numbers
(785) 543-5809
Emergencies: Dial 911
205 F St.
Suite 205

8:00am - 5:00pm
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