Glade, known initially to the county as Marvin, was home to two great grist mills. Glade was known for producing an abundance of crops and having large sales of grain. Marvin was laid out in 1878 by Lafayette and Eliza Nay. From that day on, with the help of the railroad and the location of the shipping port on the Atchinson and Lenora division of the Missouri Pacific Railroad, the town enjoyed a healthy amount of growth over the upcoming years. The railroad was a great benefit to the people of the county, helping provide materials and jobs for the citizens of the towns.
Glade is located near the center of the county east and west at 39°40’57” N 99°18’39” W,
being only 6 miles south of Phillipsburg, the town had excellent potential for growth. It was a place that enjoyed a considerable amount of trade.
Population: 86 (2017)
Elevation: 1,811’
Coordinates: 39°40’57”N 99°18’39”W