E-Community Loan Program

E-Community Loan Program (NetWork Kansas)

E-Community loans are a gap financing fund used for startup costs, expansion of an existing business, working capital, inventory, and more.

Loan Eligibility: Funds must be utilized to provide matching loans to for-profit, small businesses within Phillips County.

Loan Maximum: The maximum loan size is $50,000 per business. E-Community funds can match up to 150% of the partner contribution. This means that E-Community funds can be no more than 60% of the total funding package. Partner contribution can come from a public source of capital (microloan, revolving loan fund, certified development company, community foundation, USDA) and/or a private source (bank loan). 

Usage of Funds - Acceptable: Purchase of land, purchase of real estate, purchase of business inventory, purchase of business equipment, and working capital. 

Usage of Funds - Inacceptable: Paying off or refinancing existing debt, salary or owners draw, payroll taxes, and building renovation not tied to a specific business. Funds cannot be used for passive real estate; funds can only be disbursed to a business that will be housed in the building being purchased with E-Community funds. Funds cannot be used to purchase real estate utilized for housing such as an apartment complex or loft apartments.  

To apply for an E-community loan: Please complete the below application form and submit any additional documentation as directed.
For further information about the E-Community loan program or any other business funding programs, contact the PCED office and we will be happy to help.

E-Community Loan Program Application


General Information
Executive Director
Billie Knowles
Phone Numbers
(785) 543-5809
Emergencies: Dial 911
205 F St.
Suite 205

8:00am - 5:00pm
Closed 12:00pm-1:00PM for Lunch
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