At Phillips County Health Department we offer walk-ins, but it is recommended to have an appointment scheduled to ensure prompt care.
Anyone can use the Health Department Services.
Yes – Genny Robben - Rahjes APRN is available to see in the clinic on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Genny also cares for chronic care. Genny is available at the Clinic 8:00 am - 5:00pm including the noon hour.
Yes, however we offer sliding scale for most services.
Income – Paystubs – Do not require residential eligibility except for Women Infants and Children (WIC).
We have a phone number on hand to call that helps with this.
Phillips County Health Department – Sliding Scale to help those with and without insurance.
You can apply for state-assisted health insurance online or by visiting our office we have Paper Apps and DCF also has Apps.
Call Renee for an appointment to do Presumptive Eligibility.
Mon 8am – 12pm and 1 pm – 5 pm
Tues 7:30 am -12 pm and 1 pm – 5 pm Clinic Day
Wed 8 am – 12 pm and 1 pm – 5 pm Clinic day
Thurs 8am – 12 pm and 1 pm – 5 pm
Fri 8 am – NOON
Department of Children and Families (DCF)
The City office number is 785-543-5234 and The County can be reached by 785-543-6825.
The best way to get rid of bedbugs is by conacting an exterminator and having it done professionally. It requires intense heat, etc. and equipment that most people do not own. Good housekeeping is essential.
DCF (Department of Children & Families) can help lead you in the right direction.
If your child's head is itching a lot check their hair for bugs and eggs. The eggs will be a tiny peralescent droplet shape about 1/4" from the scalp. It will be attached to the hair shaft and is not easily removed. It can vary from black, brown to light in color. If you are unsure our Health department can check for you.
Phillips County Heath Deparment can get those to share with you.
Please contact KDHE (Kansas Department of Health and Environment) for that
Use appropriate repellant when outdoors and check body thoroughly after being outside.
The Phillips County Health Department can do walk-in vaccinations; however scheduling appointments is beneficial for prompt service. The Health Department will need paper work and insurance verification prior to providing the vaccination.
No, only one pneumonia23 shot is needed after the age of 65. If you have had one begore the age of 65 you should get another one after turning 65.
Yes, you can pay with your debit card, however there is an extra fee